Saving for college is easier with help from family and friends
How Ugift Works
With Ugift you can give a truly meaningful gift—money toward a student's education savings. This convenient, free-to-use service lets you contribute to a student's 529 college savings plan account. Learn more about Ugift.
Give your gift at any time
Transfer money easily and securely
Contribute electronically or by mail
Give the Gift of College Savings
College savings is an extraordinary gift – but it's tough to wrap. If you'd like to have something for the child to physically open, these printable gift certificates are a great option. Plus it lets them know you’re invested in their future success!

What is a 529 Plan?
A 529 college savings plan is a popular tax-advantaged program that helps families save for higher education expenses.1 A family member or friend can open a 529 account for a student of any age.
Learn more about 529s
Every little gift can help.
No matter the child's interests, 529 plan savings can be used to help pay for the things they'll need. 529s can be used for many higher education expenses at a variety of institution types—not just the typical 4-year college.
Find out more1The availability of tax or other benefits may be contingent on meeting other requirements